Post by Patricia Grossi Reis
Today I met with Douglas for the first time at Rio Centro in the morning just in time to watch him present at a very inspiring side event hosted by the International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI). The event highlighted the importance of new thinking in delivering effective multilevel governance responses to global challenges. One of the panelists made a very good point that we can’t solve a problem using the same kind of thinking we used when we created it, hence the need for fresh, new ideas. Douglas talked about how the Earth Charter has inspired innovation over the years and how innovation in education is a particularly pertinent topic for discussion at the conference and beyond. And the Earth Charter’s Center for Education for Sustainable Development at the University of Peace in Costa Rica is a prime example of transformative education. Another speaker presented ways to innovate the UN system through coalition-building and civil society mobilization, and emphasized the crucial role of communities in driving new ideas forward. Great event and excellent start to conference day 2!
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