Thursday, June 14, 2012

Since arriving to Rio Tuesday morning, it has been a whirlwind of youth action and activities that have been going on--it's been amazingly intense and engaging! I've had a wonderful time connecting with people and putting faces to names.
Yesterday ECI hosted their first side event on our recent joint publication with UNESCO and the University for Peace on inter-faith values, which sparked a lot of interesting inter-generational and inter-religious dialogues amongst the speakers and participants. I also attended the MGCY meetings and Youth Blast, as well as the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGS), which brought together some really interesting youth speakers who emphasized the important role youth can play in the Rio+20 process.
I also conducted several video interviews with some active youth who have shone so much dedication and commitment, not only to Sustainable Development, but also spoke about how the Earth Charter has played a major role in inspiring them into action! I will post these video interviews shortly.

In the meantime, I will continue to keep you posted as I continue on the road here at Rio+20. Sending you all lots of sustainable energy!

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